Lifesize For Court

Settle Your Case Even Amidst the Pandemic
The Workers Compensation Appeals Board (WCAB) is not currently seeing people in person for court hearings. Your attorneys are appearing by telephone. You should be by your telephone and available to discuss your case with your attorney and if necessary, the judge. If you need an interpreter, we will arrange for an interpreter to be available for you. Usually this means the interpreter will contact you in advance of the hearing and have you available by you being next to your phone if either your attorney or the Judge needs to speak to you. If the Judge decides testimony needs or should be taken, the Judge will then decide if the testimony will be in writing, by telephone or by video. If the court decides testimony should be by video the court will use a program similar to the popular Zoom program. The program that the court uses is called Lifesize. Lifesize can be used on a computer, laptop computer or smart phone (android or iPhone). The links to set up your device for Lifesize are bellow. You should test them before your court date and know how to use them or have a friend or family person available who can help you.
The links to set up your device for Lifesize are bellow. You should test them before your court date and know how to use them or have a friend or family person available who can help you.
Lifesize website:
Lifesize requirements:
Lifesize download software:
Lifesize download Android:
Lifesize download iPHone:
Join Lifesize from Browser (Court does not recommend):